ROJO Lotto

The latest edition of ROJO Lotto is here. Now we are a week away from the big day. Everyone will know Sunday after church where he will let the cat out of the bag. It seems he will be getting a bunch of in home visits from a number of coach's. Mlive talks about the Carroll visit. It looks like English and Carr will be the last visit this Thursday. I feel it's good to get the last word in and plant that last seed. I think Michigan is setting great to get this kid. I know there were some net rumblings about him committing to the gators but I think it was purely Internet BS. We will know the winner of the lotto this Sunday. Here our my %

Michigan 58%

Gators 25%

MSU 11%

OSU 6%

That's where I see the Lotto.. Lets hope Michigan has the winning numbers.


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